HAMPTON FALLS, NH | p 978.375.4403 |
Building contractor Tim Hagan has been building fine homes in Ipswich, Newburyport and Gloucester on Massachusetts' North Shore for more than three decades.
Over a three year period, T.T. Hagan transformed a landmark, 35,000 cu. ft. brick building in the center of Ipswich into a modern brewery and corporate offices. The relationship with the Ipswich Brewery continues: T.T. Hagan is currently adding a brewpub, slated to open...
Historic restoration requires many skills that go beyond those of most contractors: an in-depth understanding of early building techniques, an ability to custom make elements (such as windows and doors) to match the original design and the ability to work effectively with...
With 35 years of experience in building fine homes, select commercial construction and historic restoration on Massachusetts' North Shore, Tim Hagan has earned a reputation for superior craftsmanship, exacting standards and outstanding service.